Since the beginning of our friendship there has been a slight disconnect…the film 28 Days Later. In this episode we drink bourbon, rewatch 28 Days Later and try to resolve our differences. Mike brought some back up in the form of our first guest, Kyle Brown. Who do you agree with?

Adam has finally had enough of The Walking Dead. Meanwhile Michael saw A Quiet Place and it’s pretty darn good. WARNING: there are spoilers for The Walking Dead in this episode but honestly, if you’re still watching that show, you can’t spoil a turd. Michael’s, A Quiet Place review is spoiler free however. Enjoy!

After some chit chat about what we’ve been watching, Michael and I discuss the time we created the web series, Clown Face and Gas Mask. Learn about about the horror comedy series that was born out of boredom in Ohio. Check out the first episode of the show in our blog!

Mike and I sit down and talk Black Panther and Annihilation. We saw the movies separately so we could record blind without knowing how each other felt about the movies. Did we like them? Should you see them? Face it, you already saw Black Panther, but should you see Annihilation? Listen and find out.

In our debut episode we drink whiskey and discuss the highly divisive, Star Wars The Last Jedi. This podcast is filled with spoilers galore, so listen at your own risk. What did we like? What did we hate? Listen to find out.