After at least a year of refusing to watch Rick and Morty, Michael finally broke down and watched the entire series. Kyle Brown returns but this time he’s backing me up. Did Mike hate it or did he love it as we predicted he would? Grab a drink and find out!

It’s time again for Mike and I to brainstorm ridiculous remakes. This week we are tackling Splash, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Running Man. Grab a drink and get ready for some proposed cinematic gold.

Adam continues his streak of bringing nothing much to the podcast while Mike discusses Rampage, You Were Never Really Here and Dark Crimes, A hat trick of bad movies. Grab a drink and let Mike tell you about these movies so you don’t have to see them yourself.

In honor of the 20th anniversary of The Big Lebowski we are drinking White Russians and looking back at this fantastic film. A film this great deserves a great guest and we have one, RJ from the Stick This In Your Ear podcast. Do like the dude and pour yourself a drink and abide.